Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2008-9 Payments on Our Case

Ok, I figured I would keep the totals running on here. Here is what was paid in 2008 as well as 2009. I will keep this up to date each time a payment is made.

UPDATE: Ok, as of June 2, 2009 (see above recent post for updates)I have heard from PA and after speaking with Florida we now know that Eric has filed for an amendment to the child support case. It's about time. Considering that for anyone who has read the history, I went to have the case reduced back on Sept. Oct. and Nov. 2006 but he failed to show (mail came back undeliverable). Had he not been in hiding from that current bench warrant he would have had this case reduced years ago. Regardless, the $20K+ in arrears are what they are and will not go away. Whether they payments are $50 and $200 the result will be the same, contempt for failure to pay! That is what DEADBEAT PARENTS do!

So, I will appear via the phone and will present all case details.

I will keep you all posted!

As of 5/14/09 Eric has not complied with the recent order to remain current. Awaiting status of bench warrant.

Arrears as of 05/16/09:


To The State of PA
05/20/2009 $4.00 SERIOUSLY...lol...wooo this set him WAAAAY back....
05/05/2009 $250.00 (Eric Broennle)
02/18/2009 $284.00 (unknown source)
02/11/2009 $213.00 (unknown source)
02/04/2009 $142.00 unknown source)
01/28/2009 $71.00 (unknown source)

To The State of NJ
-0- (IRS INTERCEPT EXPECTED for 2009 per NJCS Site)


To The State of NJ

Jun. 13, 2008 $849.00 (IRS Intercept)
May. 27, 2008 $1,416.55 (IRS Intercept)
Jan. 09, 2008 $79.00 (employer)

To The State of PA

09/04/2008 $4.00 (unknown)