Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update as of 4/8/09

I have just received correspondence from my child support case worker I am happy to report the following update. I have yet to receive a copy of the final order, but I am happy to receive notice that if he fails to pay as order there will be incarceration.

Email body:

A call was placed to the Florida Courts. The hearing was held on 4/2/09 and defendant was found in contempt. He was ordered to pay the $250.00 by May 1 and remain current. If he fails to do so and arrest warrant is to be issued and he will be automatically sent to jail. The worker said their Courts jail term is 169 days unless otherwise specified.

An electronic update was received today that Florida has a possible employer for the defendant. However the employer information was not included. So hopefully he found a job. It generally takes 4-6 weeks until a wage attachment is implemented by an employer and since the alert was received, it does mean that Florida did send an attachment.


To my readers,

Remember, sometime you need to lose the fight to win the war!!! So, although he was not ordered to pay the posted purge set at $3090 as set forth by the original hearing officer for failure to appear at the first contempt hearing and as stated on the warrant, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

To Be Continued.....