To those readers who know what I am referring to in my posts and face the struggles as mentioned. It is important to remember to STAY FOCUSED! STAY POSITIVE! and BE PERSISTENT!
It is so important to remember, this fight is NOT for YOU! This is for YOUR CHILD(REN). It tends to be the adults that feel that they are being attacked (the DEADBEAT) or that you are fighting a losing battle or are the victim of the DEADBEAT. YOU are NOT the VICTIM. Unfortunately, some parents fail to recognize that it's the child that is being hurt by the DEADBEATS unwillingness to provide for his/her child. Regardless of whether or not the absent DEADBEAT parent wants to pay he/she MUST pay. The arrears will not go away, they don't disappear when he/she does. They continue to grow. No one can continue to carry a $18-$100K burden on his/her back. IT WILL CATCH UP WITH THEM and the fight and desire to run will come to an end. Whether it be the Sheriff's Dept that stops it with serving an arrest warrant, or they are pulled over and have had their license revoked due to the arrears, or the parents desire to stop running (HEY, don't lose hope that the person you once thought to be a decent human being (or not) can't make the right choice to turn his/her life around) and do the right thing for his/her child.
Bottomline, keep focused for the right reasons, set aside how you feel, whether distain, hurt, anger for this person and STAY POSITIVE. That person is GONE, out of YOUR life but still has a LEGAL OBLIGATION to YOUR CHILD(REN). You ARE responsible for being a role model and positive example to your child. Set your standards higher, raise the bar if you will. Rise above and keep your focus! STAY POSITIVE!
Ok, that is the end of this rant.
Thanks for reading!