If I have learned one thing in the last 15 years of being a single parent with sole legal and physical rights of my daughter, that PERSISTENCE is KEY!
“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins. Not through strength, but through persistence.”
"All Positive Efforts deem Positive Results! "
I have had 15 years of filing motions (pro se), warrants, arrests, they catch up with him...he, like a coward runs again. But, the time that a DEADBEAT parent wins is when the custodial parent throws up their hands and gives up. Giving up empowers the DEADBEAT parent and clearly they have not earned the right to have any power.
KUDOS to those committed parents who never give up, who keep the power out of DEADBEAT parents hands. For those parents who are ready to give up or have given up all hope, a word of advice "SNAP OUT OF IT!" This fight is NOT about YOU and is certainly NOT about the DEADBEAT parent, this fight is for the child and enforcing that childs right to be provided for by both parents.
My quest and mission and journey has been and will continue to be dedicated to enforcing my daughters right to be provided for and have those things she is entitled too. I have changed my area of education and career from 10+ years dedicated to the medical field to work towards earning my degree as a Paralegal (currently working in non profit for those less fortunate) so I may be better equip to help fight the fight against DEADBEAT PARENTS.
Here is a link of satisfaction. The hope that lets you know that this fight is worth it! Although you may not get every answer you may want, each time...the ultimate victory is when justice prevails, and the rights of your child are enforced.
After moving 3 times in one year and making every attempt to avoid a warrant in NJ and then in Florida, after losing his license in both state and being reported to all credit reporting agencies, and after working closely with the Hernando County Sheriff's Office and Florida Dept of Revenue, this case is and will be enforced. DEADBEAT parents can run, but they can not hide.
It's up to YOU, the custodial parent to keep fighting, the most victorious battles are won with persistence and perseverance. Expect a battle scar or two, use each one as a STEPPING STONE NOT A STUMBLING BLOCK! Remember, once you throw up your hands in defeat to a DEADBEAT parent you empower them and give them a chance to run...Keep looking straight ahead, never losing sight of your prey! Keep the fight, taste the VICTORY!