Welcome to my blog!
Here I will keeping you posted about my case against my daughter's DEADBEAT father. I have been on this very familiar battleground with this person for some 15 years.
A little history:
I have had legal sole and physical custody of my beautiful daughter who is now 15. This has been a beautiful journey raising her. She is now a Freshman in High School and an Honor Roll student (throughout her schooling). I count my blessings EVERYDAY for the beautiful gift that the good Lord has given me.
Unfortunately, her father (I use that term loosely) has been absent, regardless of the attempts I have made throughout her life to include him. This man is on his second marriage (left his first wife for this one), and thankfully he and I were never married. He severely abuses alcohol and smokes as many as 3 packs of cigs per day. Expensive addictions!
There were times when my daughter would get so upset that she did not have her father, especially after the times when she did meet him and he rejected her and she felt so upset. Her memory of him amounts to nothing more than the 3 months she did see him (when she was 8 years old) on and off (while we lived in the same town in NJ) that he would wake up, drink a cup of coffee and orange juice and the rest of the day it was beer and cigarettes. I, unlike many parents with an absent parent and raising a child, made every attempt NOT to bad mouthed him to her face, nor would I allow her to disrespect him. But, I have always been a firm believer that he was to be accountable for how he was making her feel. There was a short period of time when she would get so upset, and I would listen and then I said "Now, here is a card (3X5 index) and you write how you are feeling. "Today I feel..."" and then once a month we would mail them to him. I will always be here to listen and support her, but he should be held accountable for how he made her feel, whether it was good or bad. This lasted about 2 months then trickled off. Needless to say, she never heard back from him.
He never once sent birthday cards, holidays were here and gone with no contact etc. Even his family disowned her, even prior to birth.
A shame really, but bottomline, whether he is here in person or not, he is still financially responsible to her. NOT TO ME! But to her!
So...for 15 years, I have dedicated my life to raising her in a loving, caring, respectful environment. Not saying I was perfect all these years. No one is, but she knows without a doubt I am and will always be here to love, nurture and support her.
After spending 10+ years working in the medical field clinically, in management and teaching, I have intentially changed direction in my career. I am dedicated to earning my degree as a Paralegal so that I may better advocate against DEADBEAT Parents. I now work for a Non-profit agency and attend college working on my degree.
Thank you for reading, stay tuned for the rest of this journey, hopefully I will be able to encourage you in yours.
If any of you are interested in how to better empower yourself against DEADBEAT Parents, please contact me at email drmchsr@yahoo.com and include DEADBEAT Parent in your subjectline. Together we WILL make a difference in the life of our children!
So far so good!